Helping you Become

Fully Devoted to Christ


Sundays    8:30A | 11a | 6p



Couldn't join us on Sunday? Catch up with our latest sermon below.


Wednesday Nights

We all need a chance to be refreshened and refocused during the week.
 Join us on Wednesday night for a meal and Bible studies.

Sunday School 9:45

Your first stop in getting connected to community at First Baptist

About Us

Helping You Become a Fully Devoted Follower of Christ

We seek to have a ministry that is: Upward, Inward, and Outward.

  • Upward in Worship
  • Inward in Growth
  • Outward in Service

We affirm the Baptist Faith and Message 2000

Faces you'll see

Get Connected

Coffee with the Pastor

Do you have questions about the church or what it means to follow Jesus? A pastor would love to connect with you whenever you have the time.

Help and Resources

We desire to serve you and our community. Let us know if you have any needs we can meet.

Request Prayer

We would love to pray for you. Let us know how we can be praying for you throughout the week.

We'd Love
to see you

Outside of gathering on Sunday and Wednesday,
we have host of events we would love to see you at
as we help you become a fully devoted follower of Christ